Celadon was a Thai restaurant located in Rockwell Powerplant Mall in Makati City, Philippines.
While the mall is known to cater to an upper-class market, the ambiance at Celadon was relaxed, casual, and inviting, as opposed to stuffy or overly formal.
Celadon’s objective was to entice young men and women at managerial or executive level, as well as expatriates, to enjoy authentic Thai cuisine in a quiet but informal setting.
I designed the logo for the restaurant, which had numerous applications, including signage and uniforms.
Primary Logo
Stationery and Business Card
Takeout Menu Flyer
Promotional flyer/takeout menu (back of flyer contains takeout menu; not shown)
Uniform Concept
Embroidered chef's uniform (concept)
Paper Placemat Concept
Paper placemat (concept)
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